east west players, and crimes of the heart… and george takei.

so it’s been a month since i was last at east west players working on mysterious skin. it’s tough to believe it’s been that long, and at the same time, it feels like just yesterday that we finished our sunday matinee performance and sat in the theatre for hours talking about the run of the show. it was so heart warming to see everyone again. every face i saw really did just make me feel wonderful tonight. david, scott, liz, christine, marcus, ruffy, lovelle, tobit, prince, tim, letitia, rima, dina… wow. it’s nothing short of feeling like a family when you go there.

and seeing liz on stage was a treat as well. in a performance that one could only say had so much warmth, and depth, i couldn’t help but feel that she was just on loan from the SKIN cast :p. we get her back when she’s done.

i guess in a town like LA and hollywood, sometimes it can get lonely, and sometimes it can get very tough. but knowing there are people in the industry like this, really can be a pick up in itself.


on a side note, i keep bumping into george takei in the urinals. probably not the best time to introduce myself. next time i’ll wait outside… that’ll be far more appropriate.

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