coming of age.

i got dropped by my agent of three years today. i thought i’d be more upset by it. but i’m not. in fact quite the opposite.

i have a flu at the moment. it’s the flu from hell. and yeah i had my brand new car scratched. and no one’s going to take responsibility for it. and sure i got jumped by a group of thugs on new years eve.

but for some reason the self pity phase passed quickly. and instead i just found myself getting angry. and hungry. how many slaps in the face does life have to give you before you fight back? if you don’t defend yourself it’s going to run you over.

if this is all you have. FUCK YOU AND COME AT ME AGAIN.

i took down my wall of acting achievements. i don’t need some shrine validating me and reminding me that i’m supposed to be here. and i need to destroy this parrot inside me that’s been growing this last year driving me to become something i’m not. i’ll have a new agent by my birthday. i’m free to start again and learn from my mistakes. and i’m hungry again.


ps – and thanks mckenna for being the most positive, reliable, shining light, and best friend anyone could ask for when dealing with this stuff. i got your back too.

About rossle

2 responses to “coming of age.”

  1. Jason says :

    Hope things are looking up my friend.

  2. Jason says :

    Let’s chat soon.

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